
«Артист» взял «Оскар» в довесок ко всем своим имеющимся регалиям (напомню, он также получил премии французской и британской киноакадемий, «Золотой Глобус» и еще два десятка менее престижных наград). К сожалению, я фильм еще не видел, поэтому не попадаю под его обаяние и не могу разделить этих восторгов. Но меня радует то, что американскую кинопремию выигрывает немой черно-белый французский фильм.
Повторяю: немой, черно-белый, французский.
В этом есть что-то кафкианское. Впрочем, если вспомнить, что несколько лет назад всерьез обсуждали вероятность присуждения премии за лучшую роль второго плана нарисованному Горлуму, станет ясно, что бывает и хуже.

Что же касается остального распределения статуэток, то в этот раз все было максимально скучно и предсказуемо. По сути, не случилось ни одной сенсации. Мэрил Стрип – лучшая актриса, да кто бы сомневался? Вуди Аллен – лучший сценарист… Ну естественно! Более того, вел церемонию Билли Кристалл. В восьмой раз.
Вот вам и кризис в американской киноиндустрии.


Антон Ратников

Журналист, писатель и немного человек.

Оскарбление: 4 комментария

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  2. Ive been really depressed recently and I had been having some opinion about my life in general. Because of it I was able to reflect on a lot of stuff and realized that its time to make a change in my life. My partner will be leaving next month for Australia due to career related causes. I was apprehensive that living away from each other will produce problems in our relationship in the future. However he assured me that everything will be alright and theres nothing to worry about. Life in general can be a little unfair for us newlyweds to fall in a circumstance like this. I was reading Paulo Coelhos book entitled Eleven Minutes and I felt compassion for the central character in the story since life in general for her was harsh . The author was really imaginative without losing grasp of the brutal realities of today which made the work of fiction worth reading. I was at a concert last night with a friend and I was really happy I was there. It was an orchestra concert about musical pieces describing life in general. I had so much satisfaction that night that I even documented some of the pieces that they performed on my video camera. I was browsing a lifestyle magazine about how to raise your kids right and life in general. I had so much joy reading the magazine that Im thinking to buy an issue of it every month. Jimmy and I were discussing about our career , how long weve stayed for the company and life in general. Sometimes when youre emotionally depressed and unhappy with your life, its inevitable to think about such situations even in the office. My partner and I are planning of spending a week together and leave the country for some quality time. Weve been working really hard recently and we agreed it would be good for us to have a break once in a while. Thinking about each other and our life in general made us choose to rest even for a brief . I always enjoy going to the mountains and stay there in a cabin for a week to have some time for myself to run away from everything. It always calms me and its the only time when I get the opportunity to think about life in general and its value . We just had our family get-together last month and I recalled something that our grandparents imparted to us during dinner about life in general. I find that instant very precious because we were able to allocate time together and realize the importance of each other.

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